Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Princess Diana Gets Royally Crapped On by Former Butler

Intimate details of the life of the late Princess Diana are being revealed by her butler who was in her employment for 10 years - and she continues to be his meal ticket long after her death.
In the new tell-all "The Way We Were: Remembering Diana", Paul Burnell claims the Princess of Wales found her true love in heart surgeon, Dr. Hasnat Khan, and not in the Egyptian playboy Dodi Al Fayed.
Furthermore, Burnell dismisses claims that Diana was engaged to Fayed when she died in a car crash in 1997, saying that their month-long relationship was her way to get back at Khan at the time. Fayed may have been preparing to propose to Diana the night they died together in Paris, but Burnell says that Diana had asked him to find out if it was possible if she could somehow get secretly married to Khan.
Among the other controversial things he the book, he writes
* He says Diana asked him to help her by burying the stillborn child of a friend, Rosa Monckton, on the grounds of Kensington Palace.
* Diana wanted to be the new Jackie Onassis and possibly marry an American billionaire who would run for President so she could be First Lady and redecorate the White House.
* The butler criticizes Princes William and Harry, who he said have not done enough to defend their mother's memory in the nine years since her death.
"I have thought long and hard about whether to tell this story," Burrell writes in the book, which is to be published by Harper Collins on Sept. 12. "But what I witnessed was the ultimate act of compassion and friendship, which I think reflects greatly on the boss and sums up her humanity. Acts of kindness don't get much bigger than this."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Prayers composed for me by Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan WIlliams on my 10th death anniversary

The First prayer reads:
God our Father, we remember before you Diana, Princess of Wales, and offer you our gratitude
For all the memories of her that we treasure still.
Her vulnerability
And her willingness to reach out to the excluded and forgotten
Touched us all; her generosity gave hope and joy to many.
May she rest in peace where sorrow and pain are banished,
And may the everlasting light of your merciful love shine upon her;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Second prayer reads:
Father eternal, unfailing source of peace to all who seek you,
We entrust to your love and protection
All for whom this anniversary of the tragic and untimely death of
Diana, Princess of Wales
Reawakens the pains of grief and loss.
Comfort all who mourn, that casting all their cares upon you,
They may be filled with your gifts - of new life, of courage and of hope;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Harry's speech made me wish against hope to get bak to Earth.

William and I can separate life into two parts. There were those years when we were blessed with the physical presence beside us of both our mother and father.
And then there are the 10 years since our mother's death. When she was alive, we completely took for granted her unrivaled love of life, laughter, fun and folly. She was our guardian, friend and protector.
She never once allowed her unfaltering love for us to go unspoken or undemonstrated.
She will always be remembered for her amazing public work. But behind the media glare, to us, just two loving children, she was quite simply the best mother in the world.
We would say that, wouldn't we.
But we miss her. She kissed us last thing at night. Her beaming smile greeted us from school. She laughed hysterically and uncontrollably when sharing something silly she might have said or done that day. She encouraged us when we were nervous or unsure.
She — like our father — was determined to provide us with a stable and secure childhood.
To lose a parent so suddenly at such a young age, as others have experienced, is indescribably shocking and sad. It was an event which changed our lives forever, as it must have done for everyone who lost someone that night.
But what is far more important to us now, and into the future, is that we remember our mother as she would have wished to be remembered as she was: fun-loving, generous, down-to-earth, entirely genuine.
We both think of her every day.
We speak about her and laugh together at all the memories.
Put simply, she made us, and so many other people, happy. May this be the way that she is remembered.

Now there are cameras dedicated to me,use them

what are Diana cameras? really?... They are pretty crappy cameras, a toy camera, a carnival camera, a promotional camera, a cheap camera.So whey all the hubbub bub? Why is it that I see people going gaga over this piece of crap toy camera and paying upwards of 100-200 U.S. for one? Well... we really don't know...we think they must be rich people that have money stuffed in their mattresses. But seriously, there is no marketing genius out there filling our heads with fuzzy pictures with vignetted edges... and it isn't as if they are that hard to find, even though they have been out of production for a quarter of a century. The fact of the matter is that the mystique of the diana cameras come from her faults, its technical disabilities, its light leaks, its vignetting, and of course that cute blue top, all make up her charm. Perhaps one of the main reasons why they can be so pricey are because they are one of a kind, no other camera makes images just like a Diana camera.What would seem to be the biggest bit of information that people just aren't aware of is that even though we affectionately call them all "Diana cameras", there are in fact dozens upon dozens of cameras with differnt names. Even though their names are different, there are some that are built the exact same way.Why then do we call them all "Diana cameras"? most likely because cameras with the name "Diana" on it were the most common one distributed around the world, particularly in North America where an infux of photographers used the "Diana" cameras for creating photographic artwork. Other than that it must be just a collector thing, people must have a genuine Diana camera, not a clone or imitation. So from here on in, you should be aware that when I refer to "Diana cameras" I am in fact also referring to her many sisters and clones. We at toycamera certainly wouldn't put up our noses at the sight of a "Windsor", "tru-view", "Stellar", or "Anny" camera, we know its one in the same, the same crappy toy camera as the Diana. Why then all the different names for the same camera? It is not likely that there was any real genius from the folks at the Great Wall Plastic Co. they sold different cameras with different names depending on where they were shipping them to, or would put on the logos of companies to be sold as promotional items. They were given away at carnivals for prizes and sold on convenience store racks.Just like a bad horror movie, the Diana camera has several sequels and spin-offs. Some of these include the "De Luxe" version of cameras that shoot 6x6 cm negatives complete with hot shoe, 127 TLR's, 120 TLR's, and of course the "Flash" versions of cameras that come with a cheap plastic flash unit. So you are on the lookout for a Diana camera, what should you look for? Well if it isn't clear yet, DON'T LOOK FOR A DIANA!!!, look for one of her clones, for a complete list of names see this link Also, be aware that many Diana cameras are built for use with 620 film, which differs from 120 only little, but can make life difficult if you want to use it with 120 film. As a last note, there is no better way to find out about a Diana camera than to get one and experiment with it and above all HAVE FUN WITH IT!!! After all it is a toy camera, if you take it too seriously people might try to lock you up in the looney bin...

one of my friends dedicated his brainspace comparing palin with me.Huh

From the first, the crowd reaction to the McCain-Palin duo reminded me of Charles and Diana.
Even though Charles was the one who was descended from William the Conqueror and all the rest, even though he was the future king regnant, she was the one who drew the crowds -- a fresh new figure on the royal scene, young, pretty and personable.
When the royal couple arrived for a ''walkabout'' in some town and split up the street -- Charles heading to one side, Diana to the other -- people on Charles' side of the street would groan audibly: they had wanted HER and got stuck with HIM. A quarter-century on, Sarah Palin is drawing larger crowds than John McCain ever did alone.
And now, with Palin's interview with Charles Gibson, the resemblance is even more striking.
First, Diana. From her days in boarding school, Diana had wanted to be, she told a classmate, ``a dancer -- or Princess of Wales.'' During the courtship, even some of those closest to her worried that she was in love with the title, not the man, or at the least was confusing the two.
Now, Palin. She told Gibson that she didn't hesitate when McCain popped the political question. ``I answered him yes because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can't blink. So I didn't blink then even when asked to run as his running mate."
Flashback to Diana and Charles, describing their popping-the-question-moment to Time magazine: Charles proposed before Diana went off to Australia, in order to give her ''a chance to think about it -- to think if it was going to be too awful. If she didn't like the idea, she could say she didn't.'' But Diana interrupted ``Yes, quite promptly. I never had any doubts about it.''
We all know how that pairing turned out.
Diana's youth and inexperience, everyone believed, made her perfect for the job -- she could be molded to grow into it. The more Diana revealed about her personal problems -- the bulimia, the shopping mania, even the affairs -- the more, paradoxically, her admirers fervently proclaimed their love. Palin, a quarter-century older than Diana was when she said ''yes'' to Charles, likewise has admirers who proclaim that her very inexperience makes her perfect for the vice presidency, who say that her personal and family troubles make them love her all the more.
The old saying goes, ``Marry in haste, repent at leisure.'' Will the new saying go, ''Vote in haste, repent at leisure''?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

twists in the fairytale story of Princess Leslie Tripathy

But with the surfacing of the new CD, which records Raja's phone conversations with music album artiste Bidusmita, a close friend of another actress Leslie Tripathy, it seems obvious that Raja was planning to eliminate Das for preventing him from continuing an affair with Leslie. Moreover, Raja also has in mind to try to eliminate a senior IAS officer, Priyabrata Patnaik, because he, along with Das and some others, was also allegedly warning him to keep off Leslie. The CD is also available with the police.
In the recorded tape, Raja told Bidusmita that Priyabrata Patnaik and Biranchi Das had called him to the judo hall and threatened him to stay away from Leslie. "What does Leslie think of herself? She does not know how dangerous I can be. She is indulging in power play. But what Priyabarata can do? I can barge into Bhubaneswar Club and blow him up and Biranchi in judo hall. There are 150 IAS officers, but there are only four top gangsters in Orissa but I am the don," bragged Raja to Bidusmita.
Full Text :
New CD confirms Raja is Biranchi's killer
Pioneer News Service Bhubaneswar
Even as the police probe into the judo coach Biranchi Das murder is moving at snail's pace with the accused Sandeep Acharya alias Raja still managing to elude the police dragnet, a new CD available with a section of the media confirms the suspicion that Raja is Das's killer.
An earlier CD telecast by a channel had claimed that the gangster was innocent and that a conspiracy had been hatched by some powerful people to nail him.
But with the surfacing of the new CD, which records Raja's phone conversations with music album artiste Bidusmita, a close friend of another actress Leslie Tripathy, it seems obvious that Raja was planning to eliminate Das for preventing him from continuing an affair with Leslie. Moreover, Raja also has in mind to try to eliminate a senior IAS officer, Priyabrata Patnaik, because he, along with Das and some others, was also allegedly warning him to keep off Leslie. The CD is also available with the police.
In the recorded tape, Raja told Bidusmita that Priyabrata Patnaik and Biranchi Das had called him to the judo hall and threatened him to stay away from Leslie. "What does Leslie think of herself? She does not know how dangerous I can be. She is indulging in power play. But what Priyabarata can do? I can barge into Bhubaneswar Club and blow him up and Biranchi in judo hall. There are 150 IAS officers, but there are only four top gangsters in Orissa but I am the don," bragged Raja to Bidusmita. Sources said it is obvious the other three are Hyder, Tito and Suleman.
Police sources said when Bidusmita and her brother Bulu had gone to the police station to lodge a complaint against Raja before Biranchi's murder, he had called them up on their cell phones and threatened them of dire consequences, which has been confirmed by the police. The police have traced the calls to have been made from some telephone numbers in the city and Puri.
However, the tape, which is presently in police possession, can be used as evidence in the long run if it is proved that it is authentic.
Meanwhile, the present developments including the reshuffle of top police officials indicate that their might be an encounter, if Raja does not surrender before the joining of new DCP Himanshu Lal who has a no -nonsense approach and does not flinch to shoot at sight.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Orissa's princess Leslie Tripathy's beauty never thought possible in real life

Orissa's Princess Leslie Iconn Love Ann Tripathy has beauty that was never thought possible in real life,and now no one can stop admiring her great looks.its one sole reason why a certain guy has made it his life's sole aim to win her attention,and has threatened to kill anybody and everybody who comes as a barrior between his achieving his dream angel queen.

its becoz orissa government is protecting this lovely princess from that guy,that he has gone wild,he's gone ahead killing people,britally murdering people who he thinks are protecting his angel queen,he's trying his best to intimidate all the supporters of leslie.

Leslie on the other hand is deeply upset dat sumbody can stoop to such levels trying to achieve her whom she doesnt even know.