Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Prayers composed for me by Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan WIlliams on my 10th death anniversary

The First prayer reads:
God our Father, we remember before you Diana, Princess of Wales, and offer you our gratitude
For all the memories of her that we treasure still.
Her vulnerability
And her willingness to reach out to the excluded and forgotten
Touched us all; her generosity gave hope and joy to many.
May she rest in peace where sorrow and pain are banished,
And may the everlasting light of your merciful love shine upon her;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Second prayer reads:
Father eternal, unfailing source of peace to all who seek you,
We entrust to your love and protection
All for whom this anniversary of the tragic and untimely death of
Diana, Princess of Wales
Reawakens the pains of grief and loss.
Comfort all who mourn, that casting all their cares upon you,
They may be filled with your gifts - of new life, of courage and of hope;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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